Das romantische
Hotel & gastliche Wirtshaus,
mitten in Wels
Das romantische
gastliche Wirtshaus,
mitten in Wels
Is this your first visit? Then we would like to introduce our Gösserbräu, on the next few pages. Experience a stay in a traditional Austrian brewery! You will enjoy your visit to the fullest – we give it our best shot every day!
The Hotel Gösserbräu offers not just high comfort and elegant features, but most of all: Coziness! Our 21 rooms, with a great view of the Kaiser-Josef-Platz and the impressive chestnut trees inside the pub garden, were designed individually. Alongside single and double bedrooms, you are also offered to book our peacefully situated apartments.

No matter if you are a tourist or travel on business – you will feel at home here!
Culinary well-being is provided to you in our cozy pub, where you will also enjoy our rich and diverse breakfast buffet. Our various offers of meals, from snack to full-course menu, will leave no culinary desire unfulfilled. The pub is designed in a rustic and cozy design and offers several areas to stop by. From a big guest room to a parlor or even an old cold store – the perfect location for your family gathering or company celebration.
This is the moment to book or reserve oder reservieren
Use our easy online booking or just call us here: +43 7242 /60460
We wish you a wonderfully relaxing stay at the
Hotel und Wirtshaus Gösserbräu in Wels!
Enjoy your time with us alone, as a couple, with your family or with friends, and let us spoil you!
The Gösserbräu welcomes every guest with warm and authentic hospitality!